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Monday, August 12, 2013

What are you going to do in this season?

Lately, I have been truly blessed and inspired by those around me. Whether by looking within my own family, witnessing the growth of some of my close friends, or even if it’s just by catching a small glimpse into the lives of others through social media. It’s important to be surrounded by those who constantly and consisitently pour into us with positivity. I count it all joy to be able to look at someone else’s light, and not be threatened or intimidated but instead inspired and empowered to also begin or even complete a good work.
Positivity is key.
“For as he thinketh in his heart; so is he:” Proverbs 23:7
            After talking with a close guy friend about his quest to fulfill some of his life long dreams, I asked him, “What was stopping him?” He was able to give me every possible answer as to why he would not be able to accomplish his dreams. He had over analyzed every step, proposed the “what if” question, and given every other imaginable reason as to why he would probably be “safer” in the position he’s in now. I asked him if he had ever read the scripture, “As a man think, so is he”. Of course, he had, but he then replied with the “but…if I” statement. It became clear that his thoughts were keeping him from moving forward.
            Our thoughts are powerful, and can either enable us to move forward or hinder us from beginning a good work. Our thoughts can confine us to being in this same place next year – the starting line. So how do we progress from the starting line? How do we get the ball rolling? It is as easy as changing our mindset. You’re one thought away from your big idea – starting your movement – accomplishing your goals. It all starts here.
1. Your new mindset begins with Christ. I have mentioned before that I love reading Paul's works, because of his raw and radical approach. Paul today would be classified as "keepin' it one-hunnet". In Ephesians 6, a very familiar chapter, Paul closes out the book by instructing us to put on the full armor of God. Although I have read this passage several times before, and heard it preached numerous times, I  never focused on verse 17: "and take on the helmet of a salvation." A helmet in its physical sense, is worn as gear to protect your head from injuries. Yet, in the spiritual sense, the helmet of salvation crowns us with wisdom knowledge and understanding. Protecting us mentally from the things of the world, and to be more like Christ. By protecting the "head", we ensure that we have the mindset of Christ. A Christ-like mindset results in great thoughts. Great thoughts develop into greater ideas. Greater ideas birth even greater opportunities to be all that Christ has designed us to be! What are you going to do in this season?
2. Draw Closer to Him. Christ thoughts of us are great, and He wants His children to live out their goals and dreams. What if I told you that drawing closer to Him would be the first step in accomplishing your goals? Well it's true. As stated in my previous post, Matthew 6:33 gives us the guidelines to success. Seeking God first. If we choose to have more of Him, He's going to supply our every need. 
Think about it.
By drawing closer to the creator -- your God -- the creator of the heavens and the earth and all that dwells within, you are accessing a world of limitless possibilities! You are creative because you serve the creator! You can do what your heart desires. You can accomplish every goal imaginable. You have access to greater. All you have to do is desire more of Him! What are you going to do in this season?
3. Change Your Thoughts.  We can not get in the way of our own blessings! As Christians we have to know who we belong to -- We Are Children of the Most High King! Romans 8:17, tells us that we are joint heirs through Christ Jesus. Heirs, by definition, are those chosen and entitled to reap an inheritance by the terms and conditions of a will. In our case, the Will of God. God's Will for us is good. He loves you and wants the best for you, but you have to believe that in your heart. Your thoughts toward yourself have to be good. "As a man thinketh, so is He."(Proverbs 23:7) Begin speaking into existence those things you desire and align your ways with the Lord. His word declares He WILL give you the desires of your heart. What are you going to do in this season.
Jesus answered, "Have faith in God. The truth is, you can say to this mountain, 'Go mountain, fall into the sea.' And if you have NO doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then God will do it for you. So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours. Mark 11:22-24
4. Its never to late to start anew! "..being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion." (Philippians 1:6). God has placed that thing -- that movement -- that business plan -- that job -- that ministry on your heart for a reason. You are equipped and ready you just have to know that He will help you to carry out His promises.You may have started and stopped a business or idea, but it is never to late to pick it back up. God's timing is perfect. So there was reason for your delay but now you have the go to get up and move forward. Do it! Begin to exercise your faith. Spend time talking with God. Pray and mediate, and get to work. Faith with out work is dead. So put some action behind those prayers, and leave the results up to God. What are you going to do in this season?
"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17"
5. Always treat others with respect. Exhibit the fruit of the spirit. We can not expect a harvest from God if we aren't daily living for Him. His word instructs us to love one another. To treat others with kindness, to be gentle, to show love, and exude joy, to bring forth peace, and to act with self control. This means controlling our tongue when we would like to "go off on someone", bringing joy and love to an environment and not give off negative energy. We have to demonstrate these things if we desire access into all the He has promised us. There will always be a great reward when we are obedient.

What are you going to do in this season?

Today lets commit to changing our thoughts. Grab a pen and paper and note those things that you desire to begin or complete. Then take it to the Lord in prayer. Pour out to Him, believe, and start working!

As always I am in this journey with you!

Peace, Love, and Christ!

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